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Latest news at this site: 6 software programs added to Software 1 and Software 2 pages.

OTS Viewer Help

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Program Home

Technical Problems

Compatibility Issues

The program will list - and save to a HTML file - the selected voices and multipads in the OTS section of all style files in a user selected folder and optionally the subfolders to this folder.

Select menu File | Open Folder, which will open a File Dialog showing Folders only. In this File Dialog select a style SOURCE folder.

Set Folder and Save options.
- If "Include Sub Folders" is selected the program will save a list in each folder automatically.
- If "Include Sub Folders" is NOT selected the user can choose between automatic save (as above) or get a Save Dialog. Now the file can be named as you like and saved anywhere.

Select keyboard model and press button 'Go'
Reading the style files and generating the list will start automatically. When finished the User Interface will show "Done".

Keyboard Model Choice
Selecting the right Keyboard Model will prevent errors in displaying voice and multipad settings.

Compatible with:
Genos 2 - Genos
Tyros: 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
PSR: SX900 - SX700 - SX600 - S975 - S970 - S950 - S910 - S900 - S775 - S770 - S750 - S710 - S700 - S670 - S650 - S550 - S500
PSR: 3000 - 2100 - 2000 - 1500 - 1100 - 1000 - A5000 - A3000 - A2000 - A350 - OR700
CVP: 809 - 805 - 709 - 705 - 701 - 609 - 605 - 601 - 509 - 505 - 503 - 501 - 409 - 407 - 405 - 403 - 401 - 309 - 307 - 305 - 303 - 301
DGX: 670 - 660 - 650 - 640 - 630 - 620 - 530 - 520 - 505 - 500 - 305 - 300

For other models the model specific effects data list is not integrated. However, many common effects can be handled.

Multi Pad selection is not yet implemented in Genos 2; Genos; PSR SX900; PSR SX700; PSR SX600; PSR S975; PSR S775; PSR S670; PSR A5000; PSR A3000; PSR A2000; PSR A350 and PSR OR700
I need help to reveal the secret internal data from users of these models. More information.

Settings Files Location

Settings files are saved in a subfolder (named jososoft) to the Users Application Data Folder.

In newer Windows versions you will find the Settings Files in folder:

Settings Files Editing

It is NOT recommended to edit the Settings Files manually.

However, you can edit files with ini and dat extensions in Note Pad.

When saving the edited file make sure to save it in the right name by selecting All Files when saving. Otherwise you wil get a file with double extension, e.g. 'programdata.ini.txt'.

Files with other extensions that the above mentioned are not manually editable.

If Settings Files are deleted the program will automatically create new files. Notice that these new Settings Files will hold default values.

Notice that the Settings Files format is not documented; and I cannot make any troubleshooting if the Settings Files has been edited manually.

Tip of the Day

Looking for sheet music

The internet holds a lot of sheet music. Check out the Fakebooks-Sheets page.

However it might be hard to find a particular sheet in a fake book containing hundreds of songs.

A helping hand is below the 'Fakebook Indexes and Search' heading at the page.

Software of the Day

Style MFD Extract

Extracts song titles and corresponding style numbers from Music Finder data files.

More at the Style MFD Extract Home Page.

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