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Music Finder File Format

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A Music Finder File (file extension: mfd) has a header; and a number of records.

To demonstrate, this test file is a single record Music Finder file; which opened in a hex editor looks like this:

Music Finder File Format

This file has only ONE record. If the file was a multi record file, the following records are added at the end of this file.

Music Finder File Format

The header is the first 36 bytes. Yamaha has used several formats, some keyboard specific and some of the "NetCommon" type.

As the format has never been published the idea about this has never been fully revealed. However most keyboards read Music Finder files with all headers.

The last two bytes in the header (index 34 and 35 in the first black square) are the total number of records in the file. In this case this number = 1, which is written 00 01.

Now comes the record(s). Each record is 92 bytes long.

# of bytesFunction In this file Marking
2 Two blanks 00 00 None
2 Record serial number (0-indexed) *) 00 00 Black square
2 Internal style number **) 1C 00 (= 7168 in dec.) Green underline
2 Time signature 03 04 (= 3/4 time) Red underline
2 Tempo 00 3E (= 62 in dec.) Blue underline
1 Fav, S1 and S2 ***) 00 Black square
32 Song title 41 6D 61... (Ama...) Yellow underline
16 Genre 52 26 42... (R&B...) Brown underline
32 Keywords 68 79 6D... (hym...) Gray underline
1 Intro/Next setting ****) 24 (= 36 in dec.) Black square

*) if there were a record more in the file, the serial number of this record would read 00 01
**) to get "Internal Style Number" please read here. Sorry there is no easier way!
***) "Fav" = Favorites (value = 1); "S1" = Search 1 (value = 2); and "S2" = Search 2 (value = 4). Values are added. E.g. value = 5 means: Favorites = Yes and Search 2 = Yes
****) "Intro" = Which intro will be played at start; "Next" = Which part will follow. Values are added.

Intro valuesNext values
Off = 0 * 16
Intro 1 = 1 * 16
Intro 2 = 2 * 16
Intro 3 = 3 * 16
Main A = 4 * 16
Main B = 5 * 16
Main C = 6 * 16
Main D = 7 * 16
Ending A = 8 * 16
Ending B = 9 * 16
Ending C = 10 * 16
Off = 0
Intro 1 = 1
Intro 2 = 2
Intro 3 = 3
Main A = 4
Main B = 5
Main C = 6
Main D = 7
Ending A = 8
Ending B = 9
Ending C = 10

E.g. value = 24 (hex) = 36 (dec) = 2 * 16 + 4 means: Play "Intro 2" and continue with "Main A".

In the Music Finder File Manager software the sample file will look like this:

Music Finder File Format

Notice that the Internal Style Number is shown as <7168>. This means that the selected keyboard model (PSR 1500 - see top line in image above) does not recognize the style defined in the Music Finder record.

Tip of the Day

Looking for sheet music

The internet holds a lot of sheet music. Check out the Fakebooks-Sheets page.

However it might be hard to find a particular sheet in a fake book containing hundreds of songs.

A helping hand is below the 'Fakebook Indexes and Search' heading at the page.

Software of the Day

Style MFD Extract

Extracts song titles and corresponding style numbers from Music Finder data files.

More at the Style MFD Extract Home Page.

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